You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ') AND operacion_prop != "1" AND 1=1 AND 1=1 GROUP BY...' at line 53
SELECT properties_loc1.name_de_loc1 AS country, CASE WHEN properties_loc2.name_de_loc2 IS NOT NULL THEN properties_loc2.name_de_loc2 ELSE province1.name_de_loc2 END AS province, CASE WHEN properties_loc3.name_de_loc3 IS NOT NULL THEN properties_loc3.name_de_loc3 ELSE areas1.name_de_loc3 END AS area, CASE WHEN properties_loc4.name_de_loc4 IS NOT NULL THEN properties_loc4.name_de_loc4 ELSE towns.name_de_loc4 END AS town, CASE WHEN properties_types.types_de_typ IS NOT NULL THEN properties_types.types_de_typ ELSE types.types_de_typ END AS type, properties_properties.descripcion_de_prop as descr, properties_status.status_de_sta as sale, properties_properties.referencia_prop as ref, properties_properties.m2_prop, properties_properties.m2_parcela_prop as m2p_prop, properties_properties.m2_balcon_prop as m2_balcon_prop, properties_properties.precio_prop as old_precio, properties_properties.preci_reducidoo_prop as precio, properties_properties.habitaciones_prop, properties_properties.aseos_prop, properties_properties.piscina_prop, id_prop, REPLACE(image_img, 'https', 'http') AS image_img, properties_properties.vendido_prop, properties_properties.reducido_prop, properties_properties.nuevo_prop, properties_properties.cerca_mar_prop, properties_properties.vistas_mar_prop, properties_properties.exclusivo_prop, properties_properties.piscina_prop, properties_properties.golf_prop, properties_properties.embargo_prop, properties_properties.aseos2_prop, properties_properties.alquilado_prop, properties_properties.reservado_prop, properties_properties.watermark_prop, title_de_prop as metatitle FROM properties_loc4 towns LEFT OUTER JOIN properties_properties ON properties_properties.localidad_prop = towns.id_loc4 LEFT OUTER JOIN properties_loc3 areas1 ON towns.loc3_loc4 = areas1.id_loc3 LEFT OUTER JOIN properties_loc3 ON areas1.parent_loc3 = properties_loc3.id_loc3 LEFT OUTER JOIN properties_loc2 province1 ON areas1.loc2_loc3 = province1.id_loc2 LEFT OUTER JOIN properties_loc2 ON province1.parent_loc2 = properties_loc2.id_loc2 LEFT OUTER JOIN properties_loc1 ON province1.loc1_loc2 = properties_loc1.id_loc1 LEFT OUTER JOIN properties_loc4 ON towns.parent_loc4 = properties_loc4.id_loc4 LEFT OUTER JOIN properties_types types ON properties_properties.tipo_prop = types.id_typ LEFT OUTER JOIN properties_types ON types.parent_typ = properties_types.id_typ LEFT OUTER JOIN properties_images ON properties_properties.id_prop = properties_images.property_img AND order_img = 1 LEFT OUTER JOIN properties_status ON properties_properties.operacion_prop = properties_status.id_sta WHERE activado_prop = 1 AND 1=1 AND CASE WHEN properties_types.id_typ IS NOT NULL THEN properties_types.id_typ ELSE types.id_typ END IN (3/) AND operacion_prop != "1" AND 1=1 AND 1=1 GROUP BY id_prop ORDER BY id_prop DESC LIMIT 0, 9